Poplar Tree Elementary PTA
Hybrid General Membership Meeting Minutes
Jan 23, 2025
Quorum – Parliamentary Procedures
General Membership: 10+ members in attendance. Quorum satisfied.
Poplar Tree ES Staff in attendance: Sue Andujar, Amy Alley
Approval of Minutes from March Meeting (Vote Required)
Motion to approve previous meeting minutes from previous General Meeting
Highlights: Budget status, fundraising updates, spirit nights
Minutes were approved
Nominating Committee
Discussed need to nominate and approve at least 3 members in the next meeting
Communications to be send via standard methods
Positive vote to approve adding up to a total of 6 VP positions.
PTA Metrics:
211 households joined/renewed as of 1/20/25 (~42%)
197 households joined in the prior year
Goal: Achieve 200 households next year (SY26)
PTA Directory List to be requested
Discussed teacher dues
PTA Newsletter
An update was provided about the upcoming PTA Newsletter, the Panther Times
Uses similar platform to the PawPrint
Frequency and distribution updates were provided
Ongoing & Completed Fundraising
Call to check Company Matching Donation programs
Box Tops - ongoing
Giant School Code - ongoing
Harris Teeter - ongoing
Mabel’s Labels - ongoing
Card My Yard - ongoing
Spirit Wear - ongoing
Family donations - ongoing
Completed / Upcoming:
Supply Kits - 247 kits sold: $1420
Spirit Wear $208.25 (83 items)
MOD Pizza 11/13 - $181.83
Sweet Frog 11/13 - $122
Chick Fil A - 9/11- $300
Taco Bamba - 10/9 - $222
Chipotle - 12/4 – $281.06
Panera - 1/15 – $36.23
Crumbl Cookie - 2/12
Taco Bamba - 5/7
Fundraising and Sponsorships - 2 Main Fundraisers
Panther Prowl
$21,075 - still waiting for the net amount!
Raised ~$30,000 in SY 23-24, Current goal: $35,000
Online Auction
~$10,000 was raised in SY 23-24
$15,000 goal this year
Will link with Block Party 5/16/25; bidding ends 5/19
6th Grade Committee Update
Lazy Dog fundraiser in progress
Mod Pizza / Sweet Frog: 12/19
Volunteer / Parent Mtg - PTES Library 12/17
Upcoming Events
CFA fundraiser 1/22
Sock / Pajama Dance 1/31
Honeygrow 2/13
Bingo Night 2/21
Chipotle 3/5
Talent Show / Bake Sale 3/14
Fire & Ice 4/25
6th Grade Promotion Ceremony 6/6
Class Gift to be finalized
Block Party Update
5/16/25 6:30-8:00 PM
Centralized planning and scrum style meetings
Last year leads providing input
Space Reservations and Finance Review in progress
Value of the PTA
Library furniture
Outdoor picnic tables
Recess balls
Staff shirts
Camera and green screen for the News Show
Renovated the teacher kitchenette
Refrigerators. It would be $500-600 for similar refrigerators to what we have now. Home Depot would offer a $500 discount. Lowes is working on an offer as well. Will look at Costco and BJ’s for offers as well.
School grants - art, music, tech
Volunteer Updates Provided
Library Volunteers (Emily Vizcaino)
Room Parents (Emily Vizcaino) - Challenges getting parent emails
Families of FCPS Vision Group with Dr. Reid (Mike Santoro)
Staff Appreciation (Amber Medin, Colleen Larzelere) - Bundt Cakes, Massages, Popcorn / Soda
Assemblies (Stephanie Lampron) - January; Documentary Screening - Jan/Feb
6th Grade (Susan Friedman) - Theme: Level Up to MS
Fire & Ice (Carrie Kirby) - CHS 4/25/25 6-8PM
Before/After School Programs (Erica Rychwalski)
Talent Show (Suzanne Leonard)
Date: Requested March 14 (waiting on approval)
Spelling Bee (Vanitha Venkatasamy) PTES is registered.
Date: TBD
Science Fair (Phil Storch)
Date: Apr
Screenagers – 3/27 in evening
Before/After School Programs – Coordinator Erica
Art Club (Suzanne Leonard)
Math Club (Rikin Thakker)
First Lego League (Rikin Thakker)
Running Club (Linda Fielding & Cat Berta) - Has Started
New / Update
Sticky Fingers Cooking - Ericka to step back
iCode Tech Club
New Chess Club vendor
Magnus Chess
Environmentally Together - new at meeting
2024-2025 Treasurer Report
Budget discussion summary
Slides to be available on website or by request
Membership has exceeded goal
EoY Fin review cmte members needed – Cat B volunteered to do audit
Closing comments
Consider 6:30 PM start for future meetings
Motion to adjourn meeting – Approved