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Poplar Tree PTA Board Descriptions

The board as a whole typically meets once a month for planning purposes. In addition, there are at least 8 PTA meetings a year that are open to parents and teachers that the board attends. At least one member of the board works with the chairs on various events to see what they need and to provide guidance. The entire board weighs in on various decisions that come up throughout the year. Please email [email protected] with questions.


Estimated time commitment: minimum 2 hours/week
● Preside at all meetings of this local PTA.
● Set PTA goals for the school year in collaboration with the executive committee and school administration to capture the most relevant school needs.
● Work with the treasurer and school administration to set the annual budget and periodically meet to review fundraising and expenditures. The president is also the co-signer on the PTA bank account and meets with the Treasurer once or twice a month to sign the check disbursements.
● Works with the school administration and the PTA Board and Chairs to determine and implement events and activities for the school year.
● Communicate with the school administration on all PTA activities.
● Coordinate the work of the officers and committees of this local PTA.
● Submit all school-wide PTA communications to the principal for approval.
● Ensure compliance with Virginia PTA requirements.
● Serve as an ex-officio member of all committees of this local PTA except the nominating committee.
● Attend all PTA-sponsored events.
● Share knowledge and mentor the President-elect.


Estimated time commitment up to 7 hours a month
The president - elect role is brand new for the 2025-26 school year. The president elect will shadow the president to learn the job and to make sure we have someone lined up for president for the next school year. This person will attend all the PTA board meetings and PTA meetings that are open to the general membership. They will be involved in the decisions the board makes.


Estimated time commitment 3-8 hours a month
● Have custody of all funds and finances of the Local / Council PTA.
● Keep a full and accurate account of receipts and expenditures as described in the PTA bylaws.
● Make disbursements as authorized by the president, executive board, or general membership in accordance with the adopted budget.
● Remits checks for approved expenses to reimburse people working on our various programs and to the school for the programs the PTA supports.
● Have checks and other payments signed by two (2) officers, preferably the treasurer and the president.
● Present a written financial statement at every meeting of the PTA and at other times when requested by the executive board.
● Prepare an annual financial report at the close of the fiscal year.
● Have the accounts examined according to the procedures outlined in these bylaws.
● The treasurer is responsible for working with the former treasurer to audit the prior school year records and file taxes annually for the PTA. The PTA audit and Tax File is uploaded to Memberhub to meet compliance requirements.
● Treasurer ensures PTA stays in good standing to receive the updated 501c3 non-profit letter from Virginia PTA.
● Submit a copy of the fiscal year-end financial review, and any interim financial reviews prepared since the previous year-end financial review, as prescribed by the Virginia PTA, by August 1 annually.
● Submit a Form 990N, 990EZ, or 990 per Internal Revenue Service ("IRS") regulations. A copy of this form shall be sent to the Virginia PTA, as prescribed by the Virginia PTA, by August 1 annually unless a valid extension applies pursuant to the Virginia PTA bylaws.
● Remit the Virginia PTA and National PTA portion of membership dues to the Virginia PTA, as prescribed by the Virginia PTA, on or before the first of each month for all membership dues received prior and not yet remitted.
● Remit the Council PTA dues as prescribed by such Council PTA, if the Local PTA is a member.
● Maintains Square system for PTA and coordinates with VPs and Chairs regarding use of Square for payments.
● Perform other delegated duties as assigned.


Estimated time commitment 2-3 hours a month
● Record the minutes of all meetings of the PTA, its executive board, and its executive committee.
● Monitor main PTA email and answer emails or forward to appropriate contacts.
● Keep the official copy of the Organizational Structure Form and the current year PTA’s bylaws in his/her files.
● Maintain a membership list as required by Virginia PTA.
● Serve as a liaison with designated committee chairs.
● Perform other delegated duties as assigned.

VP Programs

Estimated time 1-2 hours a month, more hours in August/January
● Collaborates with Committee Leads for all PTA-sponsored events, as well as with school administration, to coordinate dates, secure Community Use reservations, and obtain approvals for flyers and fundraising efforts on behalf of the PTA for these activities and events.
● Collaborates with After-school program coordinator, who works with parents and vendors to select classes that will be offered to the children before/after school. We offer 2-3 sessions per year. In addition, this person either does this themselves and/or coordinates a parent volunteer to be at the before/after-school program to ensure everyone gets to where they need to be.

VP Fundraising

Estimated time 1-2 hours a month, more in the month of a fundraiser.
● Leads the big fundraising activities, including Panther Prowl and Auction.
● Serves as a liaison with Spirit Nights chair.
● Secure Community Use reservations for fundraising events and obtain approvals for printed and digital flyers and fundraising forms.
● Liaison with corporate sponsors including maintaining ongoing relationships with sponsors such as Patient First.

VP Communications

Estimated time per month 8-12 hours
● Central point for PTA communications which includes:
○ Overseeing the newsletter PTA
○ Overseeing the PTA website
○ Making sure necessary copies are done for Friday Folders
○ Regular posting on social media platforms
○ Working with school staff on Panther News announcements
● This person also reaches out to the chairs of various events to help plan the event communications.
● Coordinates with the room parent liaison to disseminate communications to all classrooms.

VP Parent Involvement

Estimated time 5-6 hours spread throughout the year but concentrated more in the fall.
● VP of Membership is responsible for promoting PTA membership.
● Ensures that our membership dues are paid at the state and county level PTA. There is an electronic database (Memberhub) that families use to sign up for the PTA membership each year. The database needs to be reconciled to make sure it accurately reflects our membership. This person works with the Treasurer to remit the dues payments so that the PTA can remain in good standing.
● This person also obtains the school email list from the Registrar and uploads into Memberhub.
● This person also coordinates with the VP, After-school Programs regarding PTA membership for after-school program participation.
● Coordinates recruitment and sign-ups for all volunteer opportunities for all PTA-sponsored programs and events.
● Coordinates with others to create the Sign-up Genius volunteer needs for PTA events.
● Organizes volunteers for various School Admin requirements such as stuffing First Day Folders at the beginning of the year and school picture days during the school year.

VP Hospitality

Estimated time per month: 3-4 hours
● Coordinates staff appreciation events throughout the school year
● Coordinate events and volunteers for Staff Appreciation Week in the spring

● Act as aide to the president.
● In their designated order, perform the duties of the president in the absence or inability of the officer to act.
● Perform other delegated duties as assigned and determined by the Executive Board.
● Helps to set and achieve PTA goals for the school year in collaboration with the executive committee and school administration
● Works with officers and school administration on the PTA budget and setting the calendar of activities.
● Consults with the executive committee on an ongoing basis on all PTA matters.
● Attend all PTA Meetings and Board Meetings
● Attend PTA-sponsored events

©2023 by Poplar Tree Elementary Parent Teacher Association. 

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